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  • University of Reading matchfunded £300


A project by: Bianca Olingheru



from 13 donors

Exploring the queer relationship of two yin-yang girls in the battle of self-love and transformation

A short summary of My project

Hi everyone! I'm raising £700 to fund my Master's film project, a 15 minute fiction, coming of age film. The aim of my project is to show the extent someone is willing to take the risk to undergo a personal transformation and learn to love themselves despite social pressure and set expectations. This will also follow the main character's journey as she navigates the complexities of duality within herself, as well as the psychological implications for her emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships. This will be a journey of self- discovery with top notes of self-love, transformation, emotional growth, duality and split personality.

Who am I ?

My name is Bianca Diana Ines Olingheru, and I am currently doing my Master's in Creative Enterprise (film pathway) at the University of Reading. I come from Romania and I moved to the UK 4 years ago to study at university and pursue my dreams.

My story

I am a student with high hopes and dreams wanting to be part of the film industry, but in order to make this a reality, I need to fund my film. This film is very important to me, not only to complete my education and receive my Master's degree, but it is also the biggest project I have created yet. I have started this course with no prior experience in film making asides from editing, but with this film I will be taking on various roles such as: script writing, casting, directing, producing, acting and editing. I will receive lots of help from my friends and family as well, who I am very grateful for. I have had free will in creating this story and since it will be my debut in the film industry, I have chosen to stay true to myself and incorporate as much of my personality, my aesthetics and my heart into it.  Making this film will be a defining and unique experience for both myself, as well as my future audience. I am planning to have a lot of fun whilst making this film and enjoy every single moment that I get to spend on the project. 


In late June/early July, the school year is about to finish. Everyone is excited about summer break and plan to start it with the most exciting event, The Masquerade. This is everyone’s chance to become whoever they want for one night, and among those people, lies Lily. Her whole life she has struggled keeping up with the perfect picture her parents drew for her. Growing older, she found it harder and harder to maintain her status whilst becoming her own person. She has developed passions such as learning electric guitar and would love to become a performer, but she fears that she would disappoint her loved ones. She is now found at an impasse and trying to find a way out. She feels suffocated by everyone around her who can’t understand that she is not who they think she is; she wants to be more than that. That is where her perfect picture of a future life lies with Rose. Rose is very outspoken, outgoing, she makes friends with everyone she meets but she knows how to keep her ground, knows what she wants from life and doesn’t shy away from taking it. Rose is everything that Lily has ever wanted to be. Lily decides that it’s time she finally steps up but with such a big change, she needs help. She decides to ask for Rose’s help, which she gladly offers. The story follows the two girls getting closer and slowly falling for each other, with Rose giving Lily her confidence back, as well as her freedom.

Where will the money go?

To make the film I will need to spend funds on 

  • Venue hire: £200
  • Production costs: £300 (props, makeup and costume)
  • Travel: £50
  • Contingency: £150

If I raise any extra funds they will be spent on my team as a thank you for their time and help volunteering on the project. 

Film and characters mood boards


As a thank you to everyone who donates, they will be the first to receive updates on the film making progress, a signed poster by the cast and first listen of the full version of the song before release, as well as viewing the film before it gets released in September 2024.

When crowdfunding is complete, the cast and crew will do a meet and greet on the university campus to meet all of you!

Find US here

Follow us on our journey here: Instagram: @butterflies_film.project

Help me to succeed!

This is my first ever crowdfunding campaign so please wish me luck on this new journey! Please share this project with anyone you think would support it - on any social platform like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn etc! The more people who know about it, the higher the chances to make this film possible! If you can, please sponsor this project and help make this happen.