University of Reading matchfunded £300
generated 199 clicks and donated £100.00
generated 42 clicks and donated £200.00
generated 30 clicks and donated £250.00
2 anonymous donations totalling £25.00
University of Reading matchfunded £300
A project by: Eghoghon S. Ifidon
from 13 donors
University of Reading matchfunded £300
generated 199 clicks and donated £100.00
generated 42 clicks and donated £200.00
generated 30 clicks and donated £250.00
2 anonymous donations totalling £25.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
14 claimedSocial high five! We’ll thank you by Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
0 claimedA video from the cast and crew saying a big thanks to you, a digital copy of the film poster for a customized shirt.
0 claimedVIP access to an exclusive online screening of the film, and a personalized video from the cast saying a big thanks to you.
0 claimedA special mention in the film credits as one of the producers including a signed and printed copy of the movie poster. VIP access for an online exclusive screening of the film.
0 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: